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Resident Shop Coordinator at Wendell Castle Workshop Wendell Castle Workshop

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Respon­si­ble for prepa­ra­tion and assis­tance during wood­work­ing classes. Great oppor­tu­nity to live and work in Wendell’s studio!
Larissa Huff class photo

The Wendell Castle Work­shop is seeking a resi­dent shop coor­di­na­tor. This is an annual (April – Decem­ber) live-in intern­ship posi­tion aimed at early career wood­work­ers. Duties include prepar­ing mate­r­ial stock for students, ensur­ing that equip­ment and tooling are sharp and ready for each class, and assist­ing instruc­tors during class sessions. The resi­dent shop coor­di­na­tor reports to the WCW director.

There will be approx­i­mately 90 class days and 15 – 20 prep days from April through Decem­ber in 2025 — an average of 12 – 14 days per month of on-duty work for the shop coor­di­na­tor. The resi­dent shop coor­di­na­tor will have full access to WCW equip­ment for their own projects at all times outside of class and prep days. The coor­di­na­tor will be expected to teach one weekend course and donate one piece made during their time at WCW to the nonprofit.


- Build rela­tion­ships with some of the best profes­sional wood­work­ers in North America. This can really kick­start your career if you make the right impres­sion. The wood­work­ing commu­nity is a small one.

- Learn from these profes­sion­als as you assist them in their classes.

- With just 12 – 14 days/​month average working for WCW you have a lot of time to focus on your work in a fully equipped shop — a great oppor­tu­nity to bridge from school to your practice

- Oppor­tu­nity to study Wendell Castle’s pieces, models, draw­ings, and paint­ings in person

- Work and live in the same studio that Wendell Castle had lived and worked


- US citizen, conver­sant in English

- Ability to lift 40 pounds and climb stairs

- Safe work practices

- Recent grad­u­ate of a wood­work­ing program (minimum one year)

- Exten­sive expe­ri­ence with wood­work­ing equip­ment includ­ing jointer, planer, table saw, hori­zon­tal slot mortiser (desired), router table, hand held router, hand held sanders, station­ary sanders (disc and belt), Festool Domino, drill press, hand drills, angle grinder, hand planes, chisels, gouges, mallet, hand saw, measur­ing equip­ment, etc.

- Should be adept at machine adjust­ments, chang­ing blades, and some simple repairs

- Patient with students at all experience levels

- Able to take direc­tion and accept feedback

- Consid­er­ing the loca­tion of WCW, appli­cants should have a car

- Appli­cants must submit to a drug test and crim­i­nal background check
