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Party Furniture/​Furniture Party (Session 2: June 22 – July 4) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Design and build wood objects that facil­i­tate social engage­ment through inten­tional inter­ac­tion. All levels welcome! Instruc­tor: Annie Evelyn
Evelyn Haystack2025 1

This work­shop fosters human connec­tion through making and expe­ri­enc­ing art, craft, and design. Partic­i­pants will design and build wood objects that facil­i­tate social engage­ment through inten­tional inter­ac­tion. They will then work collab­o­ra­tively and create an end-of-session event that encour­ages visi­tors to inter­act with the objects and ulti­mately, each other. Basic hand tool, machine tools, and joinery tech­niques will be demon­strated as needed (mortise and tenon, splined miters, etc.). Use of uphol­stery, moving parts, and alter­na­tive mate­ri­als are a possi­bil­ity. Anything goes! All levels welcome.

Joy, human connec­tion, and self-discov­ery are at the center of Annie Evelyn’s (she/​her) work. Evelyn received a BFA and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, and now leads the wood area in Virginia Common­wealth University’s Craft and Mate­r­ial Studies Depart­ment. She was a resi­dent artist at Penland School of Craft, awarded the Mineck Fellow­ship, and her work has been featured on the cover of Amer­i­can Craft Maga­zine. She is co-founder and current devel­op­ment direc­tor for Craft­ing the Future.
