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Joinery and Chairs Fire­weed Workshop

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An intro­duc­tory wood­work­ing class taught by Sophie Glenn

In this class, you will learn the funda­men­tals of furni­ture making through the process of making a chair. You will mill lumber, prac­tice making mortise and tenon joints using a domino cutter, and learn about various finishes that can make your chairs unique. No expe­ri­ence with wood­work­ing is required.

Sophie Glenn is a metal­worker and furni­ture maker currently based in Reading, PA. She makes classic furni­ture designs recre­ated out of steel to give voice to women in both the wood­work­ing and metal fields, and she utilizes steel in the making of her work to explic­itly expand upon the mate­ri­als that are consid­ered to be part of the fine furni­ture making field.
