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Introduction to the Woodshop: Ease through Hands-on Understanding (Square ONE: July 6 – 10) Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
This immer­sive work­shop is an intro­duc­tion to the wood studio, focused on safe tool use and under­stand­ing each machine’s purpose. Explore project plan­ning, mate­r­ial sourc­ing, and tool safety. Exclu­sive for begin­ners. Instruc­tor: Kelly Harris

This immer­sive work­shop is an intro­duc­tion to the wood studio, focused on safe tool use and under­stand­ing each machine’s purpose. Through prac­tice, demon­stra­tions, and design discus­sions, we will explore project plan­ning, mate­r­ial sourc­ing, and tool safety. Empha­siz­ing a thought­ful, safe work­flow, the work­shop will foster a support­ive envi­ron­ment where we can develop foun­da­tional skills and confi­dence, setting the stage for further explo­ration in wood­work­ing. Exclu­sive for beginners.

Kelly Harris (she/​her) is a Brook­lyn-based furni­ture maker, hand tool maker, and educa­tor special­iz­ing in custom furni­ture and home objects. A grad­u­ate of North Bennet Street School, she combines her studies in polit­i­cal science, gender studies, and decades of trade expe­ri­ence to teach wood­work­ing nation­wide. Harris’s work focuses on solid joinery and func­tion­al­ity, with a design aesthetic that is both elegant and bold, creat­ing pieces that are as thought­ful as they are functional.
