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Introduction to SketchUp Peters Valley School of Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

This hands-on virtual course will get you working in the power­ful 3D design program SketchUp like a pro — even if you’ve never used the program before.

Peters Valley Wood David Heim 1

This class will be conducted live on Zoom: 

Tuesday, August 18th ~ 6:00 – 9:00pm EST and Wednes­day, August 19th, ~ 6:00 – 9:00pm EST

Instruc­tor: David Heim

You’ll begin with a good ground­ing in the basics: Under­stand­ing how the SketchUp tools work as well as four essen­tial good prac­tices to make SketchUp behave. You’ll learn why those good prac­tices matter as you produce some simple models. At the end of the course, you’ll have the confi­dence you need to use SketchUp to plan and enliven your own work.

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