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In the Making: Thinking with Things + Sarah Kuhn North Bennet Street School

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Sarah Kuhn, author of The Case for Think­ing With Things, presents a ratio­nale for bring­ing active learn­ing with phys­i­cal mate­ri­als into teach­ing prac­tices of all kinds, to build a more vibrant learning ecosystem.
Thinking with Things

Thurs­day, Novem­ber 16 at 1:00pm ET | Virtual event

Sarah Kuhn, author of Trans­form­ing Learn­ing Through Tangi­ble Instruc­tion: The Case for Think­ing With Things, presents a ratio­nale for bring­ing active learn­ing with phys­i­cal mate­ri­als into teach­ing prac­tices of all kinds, to build a more vibrant learning ecosystem.

As we’re well aware of here at NBSS, evidence across disci­plines makes clear that people learn with their bodies as well as their brains. Collect­ing find­ings from cogni­tive science, educa­tional neuro­science, learn­ing theo­ries, and beyond, Sarah’s research and concepts have profound impli­ca­tions for higher educa­tion faculty and admin­is­tra­tors. During this event, Sarah will explain how phys­i­cal objects, hands-on making, active construc­tion, and other elements of body and envi­ron­ment can enhance compre­hen­sion, memory, and indi­vid­ual and collab­o­ra­tive learn­ing for students.

An educa­tor, author, and thinker, Sarah is the Profes­sor Emerita in the Depart­ment of Psychol­ogy at the Univer­sity of Mass­a­chu­setts Lowell. Before begin­ning her thirty-year teach­ing career, she received a Ph.D. in Urban Studies and Plan­ning from the Mass­a­chu­setts Insti­tute of Tech­nol­ogy and a Bach­e­lor of Arts in Philos­o­phy and Social Psychol­ogy from Harvard University.

Live streamed from NBSS

Virtual, free, and open to all
