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In the Making: Robell Awake and Dr. Tiffany Momon North Bennet Street School

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Furni­ture maker Robell Awake and Dr. Tiffany Momon of the Black Crafts­peo­ple Digital Archive will discuss Robel­l’s latest project.

In the Making: Robell Awake and Dr. Tiffany Momon

Thurs­day, Febru­ary 9, 2023 7:00pm — 8:00pm

Virtual, live streamed from NBSS

Craftsper­son and furni­ture maker Robell Awake and Dr. Tiffany Momon of the Black Crafts­peo­ple Digital Archive (BCDA) will join us to discuss Robell’s latest research project. Robell, working with NBSS grad­u­ate Charlie Ryland CF 14, is a 2022 recip­i­ent of the Craft Research Fund Artist Fellow­ship from the Center for Craft. Their project aims to gather a more accu­rate under­stand­ing of the period furni­ture and green wood­work­ing contri­bu­tions of Black and Indige­nous makers through­out our history.

After years in the trades led to a specific inter­est in design and craft, Robell appren­ticed with a local furni­ture maker, and also took an intro­duc­tory fine wood­work­ing class through the NBSS Commu­nity Educa­tion program. Through his prac­tice, Robell is focused on bridg­ing woodworking’s oppor­tu­nity gap, and more impor­tantly, redefin­ing the limited and Euro­cen­tric scope of period” and fine” furni­ture. Through count­less hours in the shop and on job sites, he contin­ues to culti­vate his craft.

Free, RSVP here: https://​nbss​.edu/​n​e​w​s​-​e​v​e​nts/e…