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In the Making: Ainsley Donaldson CF 73 North Bennet Street School

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Join our conver­sa­tion with Ainsley Donald­son CF 73, the first woman to grad­u­ate from the NBSS Cabinet & Furni­ture Making program, and our first Admissions Director.
ITM Ainsley Donaldson sq 2024 5 9 Then and Now NBSS Final 146

Tuesday, January 14 at 11:00am ET

A person of firsts, Ainsley Donald­son CF 73 was the first woman to be admit­ted into and grad­u­ate from the Cabinet & Furni­ture Making program, as well as becom­ing the School’s first Admis­sions Direc­tor in 1984. By Septem­ber 1985, Ainsley had boosted the percent­age of women enrolled in the School from 19% to 27%. In subse­quent years, the number of women increased to more than 30% of the student body.*

Learn about Ainsley’s deci­sion to enter into the furni­ture world at NBSIS (we were known as North Bennet Street Indus­trial School at the time) in 1972, her contin­ued ties to our commu­nity, and her wood­work­ing prac­tice beyond NBSS.

Free and online, regis­ter here to attend: https://​nbss​.edu/​n​e​w​s​-​e​v​e​nts/e…