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Houston Center for Contemporary Craft’s Call for Resident Artists Houston Center for Contemporary Craft

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Houston Center for Contem­po­rary Craft (HCCC) is pleased to announce the opening of the free online appli­ca­tion for the 20252026 Cycle (Septem­ber 2025 – August 2026) of its Artist Residency Program.
Hccc logo color with text red copy

Houston Center for Contem­po­rary Craft (HCCC) is pleased to announce the opening of the free online appli­ca­tion for the 20252026 Cycle (Septem­ber 2025 – August 2026) of its Artist Resi­dency Program. All artists working in craft media, includ­ing wood, glass, metal, fiber, and clay, as well as those who work at the inter­sec­tion of contem­po­rary craft and photog­ra­phy, are encour­aged to apply. This year, the appli­ca­tion opens one month earlier than previ­ous years, on Decem­ber 1, 2024, and closes Febru­ary 12025

Appli­ca­tion Highlights

🔴 It’s easier than ever for artists to apply! Due to gener­ous funding, the appli­ca­tion process is free, and letters of recom­men­da­tion are no longer required.

🔴 Resi­dent artists receive a $1,000 monthly stipend and numer­ous bene­fits, includ­ing 24/7 access to studio space, cultural and profes­sional devel­op­ment, the oppor­tu­nity to exhibit work and give an artist talk, and much more.

🔴 Artists working at the inter­sec­tion of contem­po­rary craft and photog­ra­phy are eligi­ble to apply for the Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Craft + Photog­ra­phy Artist Resi­dency, in part­ner­ship with Houston Center for Photography.

Program details, require­ments, and the online appli­ca­tion can be found at» https://​craft​hous​ton​.org/​artis…