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Haystack Fellowship Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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The Haystack Fellow­ship program of the Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts supports indi­vid­u­als who self-iden­tify as bene­fit­ing from finan­cial support by elim­i­nat­ing some of the finan­cial barri­ers to partic­i­pa­tion by cover­ing tuition, room & board.

The Haystack Fellow­ship program of the Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts is intended to support indi­vid­u­als with a wide variety of back­grounds, perspec­tives, and ways of approach­ing craft. The fellow­ship program supports indi­vid­u­als who self-iden­tify as bene­fit­ing from finan­cial support by elim­i­nat­ing some of the finan­cial barri­ers to partic­i­pa­tion in session work­shops by cover­ing tuition, room, and board costs, and provid­ing a monetary award.

Recog­niz­ing barri­ers and implicit bias faced by contem­po­rary crafts­peo­ple, indi­vid­u­als who are looking to take a risk in their prac­tice, develop as an artist, are at a crit­i­cal moment in their career, or iden­tify as BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ are encour­aged to apply.

Fellow­ship recip­i­ents are respon­si­ble for travel costs, shop fees, and studio mate­ri­als. Award recip­i­ents must be 18 years of age or older. Haystack assem­bles inde­pen­dent commit­tees to select Haystack Fellow­ship recip­i­ents through a compet­i­tive review process.
