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Get Your Curve On with Brian Boggs The Wood­work­ing School at Pine Croft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Spend five days with Brian Boggs diving deeply into curved work. We’ll work with a wide variety of tech­niques in steam bending, band-sawing with fixtures, bent lami­na­tion and how to trans­late these prac­tices into your furniture design.

The Wood­work­ing School at Pine Croft

Get Your Curve On with Brian Boggs

Cutting a smooth and fair curve free­hand on a bandsaw is a freeing expe­ri­ence. But knowing how to gener­ate perfect repeat­able curves through good fixtur­ing design is a game changer. Not only in improv­ing the quality of your curved work, but in making curves effi­cient enough and accu­rate enough to open up new design poten­tial for your furni­ture. Losing old bound­aries also tends to free up the imagination.

With band­saw­ing mastered, bent lami­nat­ing and steam bending fixtures become more manage­able and precise. This three-way approach to the poten­tial of making curved parts opens up your ability to make, design, and imagine furni­ture that was imprac­ti­cal or even unthinkable before.

We’ll learn several ways to get more precise curves on the bandsaw and how to get perfect bent lami­na­tions from band­sawn fixtures. We’ll also cover steam bending tech­niques to greatly increase your success in this wood cooking process.

This class will be limited to just 6 students and no tuition/​registration fee will be charged. This class has been designed for those crafts­peo­ple who are serious about making a full time living as a craftsper­son and would not normally be able to access a class of this kind for finan­cial reasons. This is not a begin­ner class, but a course designed to expand the commit­ted craftsperson’s knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with adding curved elements to their work. The dead­line to apply is January 10.
