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Calls, Call for Proposal

FS25 Call For Proposals CONFER­ENCE DATES: JUNE 26 – 282025

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The Furni­ture Society invites you to submit propos­als for FS25: You Are Here: Makers, Place, & Impact — a confer­ence that will explore the intri­cate rela­tion­ship between makers, their creative processes, and the places that shape them.

FS25 Conference Promo

Confer­ence Overview

The Furni­ture Society invites you to submit propos­als for FS25: You Are Here: Makers, Place, & Impact — a confer­ence that will explore the intri­cate rela­tion­ship between makers, their creative processes, and the places that shape them. Join us as we delve into the power­ful inter­con­nect­ed­ness of indi­vid­ual and commu­nity, creativ­ity and place, and how these inter­ac­tions foster creativ­ity, economic devel­op­ment, and social impact.

We are accept­ing propos­als for the following presentations:

  • Pre-confer­­ence workshops
  • Artist talks
  • Panel discus­sions
  • Demon­stra­tions
  • Other — You tell us! What would you like to see/​do at the confer­ence to engage attendees?

Possi­ble Themes

  • Indi­vid­ual Impact/​Place Impact: How do makers influ­ence their commu­ni­ties through their work. How does loca­tion inspire and shape creative endeav­ors? What are the unique qual­i­ties of a place that impact creative work?
  • Commu­nity Influence/​Community Build­ing: How do commu­ni­ties foster and support creativity?
  • Design and Inno­va­tion: How are new mate­ri­als and tech­niques in furni­ture making influ­enced by place?
  • Sustain­abil­ity: How do eco-friendly prac­tices mini­mize environmental footprints?
  • Acces­si­bil­ity and Inclu­siv­ity: How are univer­sal designs and ethical consid­er­a­tions reflected in furniture today?
  • Histor­i­cal Preser­va­tion: What impact does heritage have on contem­po­rary design practices?
  • The Digital Age: What is the role of tech­nol­ogy in furni­ture design and production?

Submis­sion Guidelines

We invite indi­vid­u­als, groups, and orga­ni­za­tions to submit propos­als that align with the confer­ence themes and ques­tions. Please complete the submis­sion form which will include: 

  • Title of your session
  • Abstract (150 – 250 words): A brief overview of your session’s content and objectives.
  • Format: Specify whether your proposal is for a presen­ta­tion, panel discus­sion, pre confer­ence work­shop, artist talk, etc.
  • Bio (100 words): A brief biog­ra­phy high­light­ing your exper­tise and rele­vance to the topic.
  • AV Require­ments: Any audio-visual needs for your session.

Dead­line for Propos­als: January 152025

Noti­fi­ca­tion of Accep­tance: First week in February 2025

For ques­tions, contact Pam Robin­son at education.​director@​furnituresociety.​org
