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Finance Director Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts

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The Finance Direc­tor leads all finan­cial activ­i­ties of Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts. This is a full-time, year-round, in-person posi­tion with the hours of Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

The Finance Direc­tor leads all finan­cial activ­i­ties of Haystack Moun­tain School of Crafts. This full-time, year-round posi­tion is budgeted at 2080 hours annu­ally based on a sched­ule of 40 hours per week. This is an in-person posi­tion with the hours of Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

The Finance Direc­tor reports to the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor and leads all finan­cial activ­i­ties to ensure the school’s long-term finan­cial health and growth. This posi­tion works collab­o­ra­tively with all members of the staff, provid­ing direc­tion and support in manag­ing the school’s finan­cial resources. It is respon­si­ble for budget­ing and account­ing func­tions, applies prin­ci­ples of account­ing to analyze finan­cial infor­ma­tion, prepares finan­cial and oper­at­ing reports, works in a spirit of commu­nity with inter­nal and exter­nal part­ners, and, with the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, supports the Haystack Board of Trustees, the Trea­surer, and the Finance Committee.

The salary for this posi­tion ranges from $85,000 to $100,000, and addi­tional bene­fits include year-round health insur­ance, retire­ment with match­ing employer contri­bu­tions, and paid time off. All bene­fits are in accor­dance with Haystack’s employee hand­book and personnel policies.
