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Essential Sharpening and Tool Setup for Woodworkers Peters Valley School of Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
In this virtual work­shop, Yoav Liber­man will explain and demon­strate the essen­tial initi­a­tion, sharp­en­ing, and setting up tech­niques common to our basic woodworking tools.
Yoav Liberman 1 scaled

Satur­day, March 4 ~ 11:00am-12:30pm EST

Satur­day, March 11~ 11:00am-12:30pm EST

In this virtual work­shop, Yoav Liber­man will explain and demon­strate the essen­tial initi­a­tion, sharp­en­ing, and setting up tech­niques common to our basic wood­work­ing tools. We will learn how to prepare and sharpen chisels, flatten a plane’s sole and sharpen its blade. Yoav will discuss and demon­strate how to sharpen and hone carving tools such as gouges and whit­tling knives. We will also talk about tool main­te­nance, lubri­ca­tion, and rust preven­tion. The typical sharp­en­ing and honing media, such as diamond and water stones, strops, and honing guides, will be discussed and demon­stra­tions on how to build makeshift slip stones will be provided.

Cost: $45
