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Assistant Professor of Furniture Design/​Woodworking (tenure track) Univer­sity of Arkansas at Little Rock

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The Univer­sity of Arkansas at Little Rock is seeking to fill the posi­tion of Assis­tant Profes­sor of Furni­ture Design/​Woodworking (tenure track) to begin in August of 2024.

The Univer­sity of Arkansas at Little Rock is seeking to fill the posi­tion of Assis­tant Profes­sor of Furni­ture Design/​Woodworking (tenure track) to begin in August of 2024. The Univer­sity of Arkansas at Little Rock is a metro­pol­i­tan research univer­sity that provides an acces­si­ble, high-quality educa­tion to a commu­nity of diverse learn­ers. The success­ful candi­date will teach furni­ture design/​woodworking courses, engage in service to the Univer­sity and the School of Art and Design, and will have an active schol­ar­ship agenda. Depart­men­tal service will include advis­ing students; partic­i­pat­ing in recruit­ment, reten­tion, special programs, curricu­lum assess­ment, and devel­op­ment; and contribut­ing to depart­ment, college, and univer­sity commit­tees. Program service will include over­see­ing and main­tain­ing the Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design studio and equip­ment. The woodworking/​furniture design studio includes 2 Sawstop safety-equipped table saws, miter saw, radial arm saw, band saws, lathes, sander, planer, jointer, mortiser, spindle, belt and disc sanders, router, and saw mill. The ideal candi­date will manage the budget and coor­di­nate the inven­tory and order­ing of mate­ri­als each semes­ter. Candi­dates from under­rep­re­sented groups are encour­aged to apply. This posi­tion is governed by state and federal laws, and agency/​institution policy.

Direct Workday URL: https://uasys.wd5.myworkdayjob…