Kimberly Winkle

Kimberly Winkle is a maker whose work, both furniture and objects, celebrates traditional furniture making and woodturning techniques combined with a strong use of color and pattern. Her work has been included in exhibitions at SOFA Chicago, WANTEDDesign NYC, Architectural Digest Show NYC, the Museum of Art in Wood ,and the Fuller Craft Museum. She earned her MFA from San Diego State University, and she is currently a Professor of Art and Director of the School of Art, Craft & Design at TN Tech University.
Kimberly has taught workshops at Penland, Haystack, Anderson Ranch, Arrowmont, Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, John C. Campbell, Port Townsend School of Woodworking, Pocosin Art Center, and the Appalachian Center for Craft. Her work has been included in several publications, including Fine Woodworking, Woodworker West, and American Woodturner magazines and the books 500 Tables, 500 Chairs, among others. Winkle has been awarded several artist residencies, including the International Turning Exchange at the Museum of Art in Wood in Philadelphia, the Windgate Artist Residency at State University New York (SUNY) Purchase, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Wingate Craft Fellow at the Vermont Studio Center and at the Appalachian Center for Craft. She was awarded a State of Tennessee Individual Artist Award in 2011 and the Society of Arts and Crafts (Boston) John D. Mineck furniture fellowship in 2014.