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Health + Safety


Wednesday, Feb 28 7:00 – 8:30

Now you are using materials, so let’s discuss Health + Safety!

Health + Safety
Photo Credit: Missy Graff Ballone @wellnessformakers + Monica Elise @the.dusty.rose

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 / 7 – 8:30pm EST

Shop spaces are inher­ently danger­ous, be it the machines or the mate­ri­als we use, but with the knowl­edge and resources to use them safely, you miti­gate those risks. Our goal is to help you under­stand how to incor­po­rate health + safety into your daily prac­tice. We will discuss the impor­tance of dust collec­tion, using PPE, first aid response, and MSDS/SDS proto­cols. Learn how to prevent and respond to threats in a shop envi­ron­ment by being prepared and educated in essen­tial health + safety!

Our special guest, Missy Graff Ballone from Well­ness for Makers will be joining this session. Missy will share the impor­tance of body mechan­ics in your prac­tice and a little more about what she does for makers!

This program has been devel­oped specif­i­cally for wood­work­ers, but all mediums are welcome. The shared infor­ma­tion can be applied to personal, indus­trial, or academic shops.

Indi­vid­ual Session Pricing:

$10 — Student Members

$25 — Members

$35 — Non-Members

6‑Session Bundle Pricing:

(6 sessions for the price of 5)

$50 — Student Members

$125 — Members

$175 — Non-Members

The Furni­ture Society would like to thank the Schooner Foun­da­tion and The Bresler Foun­da­tion for support­ing this initia­tive. Without their support, the Nuts & Bolts profes­sional devel­op­ment program­ming and schol­ar­ships would not be possible!
