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Nuts & Bolts: Designing and Pitching a Class


Tuesday, Apr 25 6:00 – 7:00

Tuesday, Apr 25 7:15 – 8:45


Tuesday, April 25, 6 – 7pm EDT

Are you inter­ested in teach­ing a work­shop at a craft school but unsure where to start? This presen­ta­tion will cover how to choose where to teach, what to teach, how to title your class, and what to include in the course descrip­tions to attract, not just any audi­ence, but the right audi­ence. We will do a little syllabus 101” and review some work­shop design dos and don’ts. Once you answer all these ques­tions, design the perfect work­shop, and they accept your course proposal, they have more ques­tions! We will talk about how to prepare for this. Mate­r­ial lists, bios, appro­pri­ate photos of your work, etc. And finally, you will be one of many instruc­tors, and all the schools are differ­ent. You will want to be prepared, so we will go over what to expect once you arrive.

Presen­ta­tion Pricing:

Free for Student Members
$15 Member
$25 Non-Member


Tuesday, April 25, 7:15 – 8:45pm EDT

The work­shop will be specif­i­cally geared to what YOUR class looks like. Partic­i­pants will begin by filling out a ques­tion­naire to help narrow big ideas into actual classes. Should you go broad, with some­thing like an intro class, or narrow with a highly special­ized skill? Or teach a class anchored in concept or exper­i­men­ta­tion? The answers will be differ­ent for all of us on differ­ent days. But what­ever you decide, YOU have some­thing unique to bring to the table. We will work to draw that out and make sure your class is YOU.

Work­shop Pricing:
$35 Student
$50 Member
$75 Non-Member


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