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Nuts & Bolts: Bookkeeping + Taxes For Makers


Tuesday, Apr 18 6:00 – 7:00

Tuesday, Apr 18 7:15 – 8:45

Shiga FS Bookkeeping Graphic


Tuesday, April 18, 6 – 7pm EDT

Let’s face it – book­keep­ing and taxes (gasp!) aren’t anyone’s favorite parts of being a profes­sional maker. But knowing the facts can make these impor­tant tasks less painful, and maybe even a little bit fun! In this presen­ta­tion, Kristin will intro­duce the termi­nol­ogy, prin­ci­ples and forms you will need in order to ensure that your busi­ness is in compli­ance with US Federal law, as well as giving you an under­stand­ing of the overall finan­cial health of your business. 

Please note: This presen­ta­tion and work­shop is designed for self-employed makers cate­go­rized as Sole Propri­etors, who are required to file a US Form 1040 with Sched­ule C for their busi­ness. While many of the prin­ci­ples apply to busi­nesses of any kind, the focus will be on US Federal tax prep. City, State and County laws vary widely, so check with your CPA for guid­ance in your area.

Presen­ta­tion Pricing:

Free for Student Members
$15 Member
$25 Non-Member


Tuesday, April 18, 7:15 – 8:45pm EDT

In this work­shop session, partic­i­pants will apply the prin­ci­ples discussed in Kristin’s presen­ta­tion to their own busi­ness. We’ll discuss allow­able expenses, calcu­late your cost of goods sold and learn tips for squeez­ing all you can out of your deduc­tions. Partic­i­pants will leave with fill­able work­sheets designed to auto­mate some of your year-end tax prep. Come prepared to partic­i­pate, with a recent profit and loss detail for your busi­ness, a computer with inter­net access, calcu­la­tor and notebook.

Please note: This presen­ta­tion and work­shop is designed for self-employed makers cate­go­rized as Sole Propri­etors, who are required to file a US Form 1040 with Sched­ule C for their busi­ness. While many of the prin­ci­ples apply to busi­nesses of any kind, the focus will be on US Federal tax prep. City, State and County laws vary widely, so check with your CPA for guid­ance in your area.

Work­shop Pricing:
$35 Student
$50 Member
$75 Non-Member


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