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A Weekend with Tommy Simpson


Saturday, Oct 22

The Furniture Society is excited to partner with Peters Valley to bring you this special workshop event.

Saturday & Sunday, October 22 — October 232022

Carving a Spoon

Join us in cele­brat­ing the creative process of Tommy Simpson. In this weekend work­shop, Tommy Simpson and Abby Mechanic will be leading partic­i­pants through an exploratory spoon carving work­shop. Partic­i­pants will be presented with a prompt by Tommy and will react via the spoon carving process. Every hour, partic­i­pants will swap spoons with a neigh­bor and will be chal­lenged to make on the fly design deci­sions. Over the two day period all partic­i­pants will have had a hand at helping to create a suite of spoons. We will take the time to critique and discuss the collec­tive design deci­sions and unpack the inspi­ra­tion behind our deci­sions. This weekend will be a time to create commu­nity within the wood­work­ing field and to reflect on the joys of making!

Tuition: $130 (Addi­tional $30 regis­tra­tion fee for non Peters Valley members)
Lunch is included with tuition.
Limited dorm rooms are avail­able for $75 per night. 

Please call Peters Valley at 973 – 948-5200 if you would like to make a reservation.

Peters Valley logo

Peters Valley School of Craft is one of The Furni­ture Soci­ety’s Educa­tional Grant part­ners. We are grate­ful they are willing to expand that rela­tion­ship by part­ner­ing with TFS for this in-person regional event. 

Thank you Peters Valley for making this a reality!

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Funding for this event is made possi­ble through a grant from the Amer­i­can Craft Coun­cil’s legacy series honor­ing their members of the College of Fellows of which Tommy Simpson is a member. Tommy is also an Award of Distinc­tion honoree of The Furniture Society.