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Virginia Common­wealth University

Located in Rich­mond, VA, The Studio Furniture/​Wood Program at Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity — Craft/​Material Studies depart­ment (VCUarts) empha­sizes wood­work­ing tech­niques geared toward furni­ture design and construc­tion. The program is based on the idea that a student’s future success is depen­dent on creative excel­lence, strong tech­ni­cal skills and a solid basic liberal arts education.

VCUarts students collec­tively examine diverse mate­ri­als, leading to deep learn­ing and culti­va­tion of curios­ity, while learn­ing to create work along the broad spec­trum of our field — from func­tional design to concep­tual work — that propels culture and chal­lenges the age we live in.

The 7000 sq.ft. facil­ity consists of a large bench room with a general class bench area plus 27 indi­vid­ual Ulmia benches.

There are adja­cent glue-up and sharp­en­ing areas, drawing easels, and a tool room stocked with a variety of portable power­tools and hand­tools. A sepa­rate room houses vacuum forming and steam bending equip­ment and a Bridge­port metal lathe; while another, a finish area complete with spray booth.

The Woodworking/​Furniture Design program at VCUarts Craft/​Material Studies Depart­ment is led by TFS members Scott Braun and Vivian Chiu

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