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University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH

UNH Machine Room

The Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design program at Univer­sity of New Hamp­shire intro­duces students to hand tools, machin­ery, construc­tion, and design. By slowly moving through each of these subjects, students learn how to develop tech­ni­cal skills and imaginative problem-solving.

The wood­work­ing and furni­ture design program is situ­ated within the Depart­ment of Art and Art History and located in the Service Build­ing along with Ceram­ics and Sculpture.

Students can pursue a BFA, BA, or Minor in wood­work­ing, but one of the best aspects of teach­ing at UNH, is that the Intro­duc­tory class is offered to students from across the univer­sity. Some of the most imag­i­na­tive and finely crafted work has come from students major­ing in engi­neer­ing, outdoor educa­tion, history, busi­ness, etc. Small group conver­sa­tions, critiques, and demos set a tone of support, encour­age­ment, and trust. This allows a diverse group of students to find common­al­ity among one another and encour­age each other to make better work. 

Leah Woods is an Asso­ciate Profes­sor of Art at Univer­sity of New Hamp­shire where she teaches wood­work­ing and furni­ture design classes. She is an artist working primar­ily with wood build­ing func­tional and non-func­tional objects.
Learn more about Leah and her work on her website and on Insta­gram

For more infor­ma­tion about UNH, please visit their website, and follow them on Insta­gram