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San Diego State University

San Diego, CA

SDSU Bench Room

The SDSU Furni­ture Design and Wood­work­ing program has a long legacy of balanc­ing tech­ni­cal process and knowl­edge with creative devel­op­ment and concep­tual explo­ration. We focus on process, discourse, fun, and func­tion, as well as exper­i­men­ta­tion in both tradi­tional and contemporary technologies. 

Our under­grad­u­ate program is a BA in Applied Design, in which students take some of all of the craft media, focus­ing in on one or the other, as they move through the program. Our MFA program is world renowned, and many of those teach­ing in programs across the US, running inde­pen­dent compa­nies, and showing in top galleries, are alumnus of SDSU. From the direc­tor of Penland, Mia Hall, to the head of Maine college of Art’s Furni­ture program, Matt Hutton, SDSU has provided fertile ground for creative explo­ration and tech­ni­cal learn­ing for generations.

SDSU Studio View 6

Begin­ning with Wendy Maruyama, in the late 1980’s, this program has been a prime example of how tech­ni­cal educa­tion can smoothly blend with creative license and concep­tual art to create some of the most unique and beau­ti­ful objects in the field. Now, Asso­ciate Profes­sors Adam Manley and Matthew Hebert, along with grad­u­ate teach­ing assis­tants and lectur­ers, carry that torch, while bring­ing in new tech­nolo­gies and facil­i­ties, such as a new digital fabri­ca­tion lab, which houses a wide range of fabri­ca­tion tools and opens up the doors for exper­i­men­ta­tion in contem­po­rary manu­fac­tur­ing tech­niques, all with an eye towards one of a kind art and design production.

SDSU Campus
SDSU Panoramic View

SDSU is also host to a renowned resi­dency program, which provides students to a rotat­ing cast of artists at the top of the field, working along­side them in the space, and inspir­ing students by exem­pli­fy­ing the prac­tice of an artist at work. SDSU is located in beau­ti­ful San Diego Cali­for­nia, where the sunsets are always amazing, and the croquet matches never disappoint. 

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