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Port Townsend School of Woodworking

Port Townsend, WA — Located in: Fort Worden Histor­i­cal State Park

Sixty miles north­west of Seattle, near the foothills of the Olympic National Park and across the water from British Colum­bia, the Port Townsend School of Wood­work­ing contin­ues carry­ing out its mission of inspir­ing a life­long passion for crafts­man­ship in every one of their students. With two bench rooms and two machine rooms at Fort Worden State Park, PTSW deliv­ers over 70 courses annu­ally to about 500 students. Among their students, PTSW accom­mo­dates schol­ar­ship students and veter­ans using federal benefits. 

Courses range from weekend begin­ner courses to twelve-week, full-time inten­sives on furni­ture build­ing and design. Masters of carpen­try, carving, turning, and furni­ture making come from near and far to share their knowl­edge. One instruc­tor and one teach­ing assis­tant for a maximum of 10 students means no student gets overlooked. 

PTSW just launched their most ambi­tious sched­ule to date. 2021 is now open for regis­tra­tion and boasts an extended furni­ture track, a more diverse instruc­tor roster than ever before, an eight-week Built Envi­ron­ment inten­sive, and an excit­ing list of course offer­ings. With options such as botan­i­cal sculp­ture, Greene & Greene and Krenov-style furni­ture courses, instru­ment making, and stereotomy, there’s some­thing for every aspiring woodworker. 

Contact Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Heron Scott with any ques­tions heron@​ptwoodschool.​org.

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