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Northern Michigan University

Marquette, MI

North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity is located on the shore of Lake Supe­rior in the beau­ti­ful town of Marquette, Michi­gan. NMU is a dynamic four-year, public, compre­hen­sive univer­sity that has grown its repu­ta­tion based on its award-winning lead­er­ship programs, cutting-edge tech­nol­ogy initia­tives and nation­ally recog­nized academic programs.

North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity resides on the ances­tral lands of the Anishinaabe Nation.

The Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design program at North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity offers a four-year B.S., B.A. and B.F.A. degree. The curricu­lum is designed to give students a strong foun­da­tion in tradi­tional wood­work­ing and furni­ture making tech­niques. Empha­sis is placed on under­stand­ing the various para­me­ters of design, design history, aesthet­ics, tech­nol­ogy, sustain­abil­ity, and the rele­vance to contem­po­rary stan­dards in the field.

Art and Design students are offered cross-disci­pli­nary expo­sure to the many concen­tra­tions in the School of Art and Design; includ­ing courses in Human-Centered Design, Jewelry/​Metals/​Sculpture, Drawing/​Painting/​Illustration, Graphic Design, Photog­ra­phy, Social Media Design, Art History, and many more programs. Faculty prepare students for study in their chosen disci­pline and serve as a foun­da­tion for visual aware­ness, problem solving, inno­va­tion, exper­i­men­ta­tion, creativ­ity, and port­fo­lio and professional development.

The courses for Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design majors are, Wood­work­ing: Foun­da­tions, Joinery, Boxes, and Cabi­nets, Wood­work­ing: Construc­tion, Tech­nol­ogy, and Sustain­abil­ity, Wood­work­ing: Form, Volume, and Func­tion, Alter­na­tive Mate­ri­als in Applied Design, and Wood­work­ing: Seating and Complex Joinery. The use of solid wood and manu­fac­tured wood prod­ucts are the primary media for furni­ture construc­tion, though the use of alter­na­tive mate­ri­als, such as metal, concrete, and paper, and more, are also encouraged.

For more infor­ma­tion on the Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture Design program at North­ern Michi­gan Univer­sity please visit: https://​art​.nmu​.edu/​d​e​p​a​r​tment… /

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