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Florida School of Woodworking

Tampa, FL

FSW front of building


The School of Wood­work offers classes for people of all skill levels to spend a weekend or a week immersed in the craft of wood­work­ing, furni­ture making, and wood carving.

Students have the oppor­tu­nity to study with nation­ally-recog­nized makers who teach specific work­shops, as well as local full-time instruc­tors who work together to provide a thor­ough educational program.

The work­shops are excep­tion­ally well-equipped, and students can work safely and confi­dently in a supportive environment.

Our student base is really diverse, and people from all walks of life come together to enjoy the craft in a beau­ti­ful historic workshop.


The heart of our mission is to nurture and sustain this creative spirit of wood­work­ing crafts­man­ship. We do this by provid­ing the best possi­ble educa­tion and envi­ron­ment for people who want to engage in soul-satis­fy­ing crafts. A place where think­ing” and doing” come together.

On behalf of all of the instruc­tors who deeply love this craft, I invite you to come and expe­ri­ence the Florida School of Wood­work.
Welcome home.


Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Kate Swann founded the program in 2004 to meet the requests of local aspir­ing wood­work­ers. The School began as a one on one program in a small 600 square foot shop under the auspices of Franklin St Fine Wood­work. The school then moved to its present loca­tion in 2010.

Over the years, student enroll­ment and class offer­ings have steadily increased and today the School offers year-round classes. Students come from across the country and from abroad to learn a broad array of woodworking topics.

Our students are hobby­ist, amateur, and profes­sional wood­work­ers with diverse back­grounds who come to study wood­work­ing tradi­tions combined with modern tech­nol­ogy. We encour­age students to design their own projects and build to their aesthetic as they develop their skills and competencies.

Our instruc­tors are profes­sional wood­work­ers with excep­tional tech­ni­cal exper­tise and patient, open teach­ing skills. We seek out teach­ers who have demon­strated signif­i­cant design and tech­ni­cal skills in their own body of work. Our instruc­tors come from across the United States, England, Japan and Canada.


The Florida School of Wood­work is located on the edge of down­town Tampa in a completely reno­vated build­ing from the 1920’s that is on the national historic regis­ter. When we did the reno­va­tion, we were careful to keep the char­ac­ter of the build­ing and you’ll find unique and delight­ful elements of this during your time here. You won’t be working in a window­less, metal build­ing, you’ll be working in a light-filled, comfort­able space with char­ac­ter and history. We keep our classes small so there is lots of inter­ac­tion with the instruc­tor, space for you to work, and the oppor­tu­nity to enjoy your time. You won’t be lost in a crowd.

Florida School of Wood­work – All of the classes are taught in a remark­able work­shop on the edge of down­town Tampa. The work­shop is in a completely reno­vated build­ing from the 1920s that is on the national historic regis­ter. When we did the reno­va­tion, we were careful to keep the char­ac­ter of the build­ing and you’ll find unique and delight­ful elements of this through­out the build­ing Student work in a light-filled, comfort­able space with char­ac­ter and history. We keep our classes small so there is lots of inter­ac­tion with the instructor.

INSTRUC­TORS who teach at the school

Learn more about the Florida School of Wood­work and make sure to follow them on social media!

Programs offered at FSW:
General Classes
Certifi­cate Program

Insta­gram: @schoolofwoodwork
Face­book. https://​www​.face​book​.com/​Schoo…
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