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California College of the Arts

Oakland & San Fran­cisco, CA

Furni­ture Design at CCA


Learn the design and craft of furni­ture, and create works that reflect your unique voice.

Ground your creative prac­tice in Craft. With roots in the Arts in Crafts move­ment, the Furni­ture Program views craft and making as funda­men­tal tools of design and produc­tion. Embrac­ing both hands-on and digital craft tech­niques, we prepare students for diverse careers whether they choose a design field or pursue an inde­pen­dent creative practice.

Learn to set up a studio of your own. While in the Furni­ture Program, you’ll develop your own design process and learn a range of craft-based tech­niques to gain inde­pen­dence as a designer and maker. In the Wornick Furni­ture Studio you’ll explore the creative poten­tial of furni­ture-making processes, and emerge with knowl­edge to set up a studio of your own.

Create mean­ing­ful designs. Discover your voice through your studies. Learn a sustain­able design process that incor­po­rates histor­i­cal research, mate­r­ial studies, ecology, current crit­i­cal dialogue all with local and global consid­er­a­tions. Consider the meaning of making in your own work, and prac­tice a craft as an activ­ity and a value system.

Immerse your­self in an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary envi­ron­ment. Support your profes­sional prac­tices by working closely with faculty on exhi­bi­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties and design compe­ti­tions, and complete your educa­tion with a culmi­nat­ing thesis project. 

CCA Furni­ture studios are a space for creative risk-taking and inquiry into the signif­i­cance of furni­ture and crafted objects. We believe that making is think­ing, and that craft is design. Our estab­lished faculty works across a diverse set of prac­tices, and provides students with tech­ni­cal and concep­tual skills to create thought­ful, skill­ful, provoca­tive works of Furniture.”

Kather­ine Lam — Chair, CCA Furniture Program


Kather­ine Lam (Depart­ment Chair)

Russell Baldon (Asso­ciate Professor)

Donald Fortes­cue (Profes­sor)

Christo­pher Loomis (Assis­tant Professor)

Adrien R. Segal (Adjunct Professor)

Lawrence Labi­anca (Senior Adjunct Professor)

Sung Kim (Adjunct Professor)

Social Media

Insta­gram – @cacollegeofarts and @cca_furniture

Twitter – @CaCollegeofArts

Face­book – Cali­for­nia College of the Arts