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Talk & Tour with 2021 John D. Mineck Fellow Recipient Jamie Herman


Monday, Nov 8 1:00 – 2:00

Please note that all session times are in eastern time

Join us for a talk and tour with the 2021 John D. Mineck Fellow­ship recip­i­ent, Jamie Herman. Herman, an early-career furni­ture artist, and Vermont Wood­work­ing School alum, will share insights into his process and prac­tice and will be joined by Peters Valley Direc­tor, Kristin Mueller, as they guide us through the studios at Peters Valley School of Craft where Herman is currently the artist fellow and woodshop coordinator.

This event is FREE and open to all. Regis­tra­tion is required to attend this event

John D. Mineck Fellowship

Peters Valley School of Craft


Email: All regis­trants will receive a confir­ma­tion email with a zoom link and a reminder email the day before the event.

Special Note:
If you like the programs we’re produc­ing, please consider making a tax deductible dona­tion. All dona­tions help support the produc­tion of future educa­tional programs. Thank you in advance for your support.

This event will be recorded. You must be regis­tered for this event in order to have access to this record­ing. Record­ings will not be made public for the foreseeable future.

Become a Member: Think­ing about joining or renew­ing your member­ship? Member­ship has its bene­fits! Check them out HERE. For further ques­tions about member­ship, email us at info@​furnituresociety.​org

For any ques­tions regard­ing your regis­tra­tion, please email fsconnects@​furnituresociety.​org

Thank you.
