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2019 Steffi Dotson Service Award Recipients

The Furni­ture Society is pleased to announce that Marcia Kumamoto and David Fleming have been awarded the 2019 Steffi Dotson Service Award.

D Fleming M Kumamoto

Marcia and David are long­stand­ing FS volun­teers who have given many hours to assist the orga­ni­za­tion in various capac­i­ties: Marcia has volun­teered regu­larly at our confer­ence Silent Auction tables and David is a past Board member and managed our website for many years (and contin­ues to do so.) The Furni­ture Society owes both a debt of grat­i­tude and the Board of Trustees is pleased to honor them for their service.

Marcia and David’s volun­teerism will be cele­brated during the member­ship meeting at FS19 Ground­work, the upcom­ing Furni­ture Soci­ety’s confer­ence taking place in Milwau­kee. All atten­dees are warmly invited to join the festivities.

Congrat­u­la­tions Marcia and David!

(Photo Credit: Junko Yoshino)

Steffi Dotson Award 2019

Made by Alf Sharp, walnut, 20cm x 11.5cm. Hand engraved base reads The Furni­ture Society, Steffi Dotson Award, David Fleming and Marcia Kumamoto”