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TFS Board Member, Furniture Maker & Educator

May 62020

We can use this time to research, draw, and design our next project… This video for the Furni­ture Society is a mashup of demos I created for my students.

When life gives you lemons, you have to find ways to make lemon­ade. Here in Cali­for­nia, schools are teach­ing classes online, and like many of my students, I do not have a home shop to continue making work. But this doesn’t have to stop us from being produc­tive! We can use this time to research, draw, and design our next project, which is what we are doing in my Inter­me­di­ate Alpha­cam and CNC’ class. This video for the Furni­ture Society is a mashup of demos I created for my students showing the progress of my project for the assign­ment.” Reuben Foat — Furni­ture Maker, Educa­tor, TFS Board Member