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2001 Award of Distinction Recipient

Crafts­man, Educator

Mr. Carpenter’s award was presented March 16, 2001 by his colleague Grif Okie, an orig­i­nal member of the Bolinas Craft Guild.


Arthur Espenet Carpenter was born January 20, 1920, in New York, NY.


  • Self-taught


  • 1965 – 96 Appren­tice Teach­ing; Bolinas Craft Guild, CA
  • 1976 – 88 Ander­son Ranch Arts Center, Snow­mass, CO
  • 1975 – 79 San Fran­cisco State Univer­sity, CA


  • 1989 Marin County Art Commission Award
  • 1988 Elected Fellow, Amer­i­can Craft Council
  • 1985 Fulbright Lecturer, New Zealand, Australia
  • Cali­for­nia Living Treasure Award
  • 1976 National Endow­ment for the Arts Fellowship

Exhibitions & Museum Collections

  • 1999 Smith­son­ian Insti­tu­tion, Wash­ing­ton, DC
  • Craft and Folk Art Museum, San Fran­cisco, CA
  • 1985 Crocker Living Trea­sure”, Sacra­mento, CA
  • 1980 Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
  • 1972 Wood­en­works, Renwick Gallery, Smith­son­ian Insti­tu­tion, Wash­ing­ton, DC
  • 1961 Museum of Modern Art, San Fran­cisco, CA
  • 1956 Museum of Contem­po­rary Crafts, New York, NY
  • 1954 Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY


  • 1998 Mill Valley Library, Mill Valley, CA
  • 1991 Council Chamber Daïs, Moun­tain View, CA
  • 1972 Bishop O’Dowd Chapel, Pied­mont, CA
  • 1967 Old St. Mary’s Church, San Fran­cisco, CA
  • 1966 Mill Valley Library, Mill Valley, CA
  • 1965 St. Lukes Pres­by­ter­ian Church, San Rafael, CA


  • 1988 Contem­po­rary Amer­i­can Wood­work­ers, by Michael Stone, Pere­grine Smith Book
  • 1983 Fine Woodworking Magazine
  • 1980 Britan­nica Ency­clo­pe­dia of Art
  • 1972 Wood­en­works, Smith­son­ian Insti­tu­tion, Wash­ing­ton, DC