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Reagan S Headshot

Sarah Reagan is a cross-disci­pli­nary artist making sculp­tures using tradi­tional joinery, digital fabri­ca­tion, hand-carving, mold-making, casting, and hand-build­ing. Her work inserts juve­nile qual­i­ties into lumber and concrete– mate­ri­als typi­cally deemed brutal” and mascu­line.” She received a BFA in Studio Arts and Inter­na­tional Studies from Iowa State Univer­sity and an MFA in Furni­ture Design from Virginia Common­wealth Univer­sity. Reagan also served in the Peace Corps in Togo and Mexico. Her work has been exhib­ited inter­na­tion­ally at the Corrente de Ar in Lisbon, Portu­gal, the Minneapo­lis Inter­na­tional Airport, and the City College Art Gallery in San Diego, California.

Madison, WI