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Richards deep respect for tradi­tional tech­nique combined with his artis­tic eye (Townsend received an MFA from Pratt Insti­tute for sculp­ture) drives his design work. Expres­sion through line and form is a very personal affair,” he says regard­ing his passion for the creative process. His orig­i­nal furni­ture designs are based on a personal aesthetic grounded in tradi­tion and tempered by the visions of such 20th century master sculp­tors as Henry Moore, Constan­tin Bran­cusi and the whim­si­cal Alexan­der Calder. In my own design work, my aim is to begin with an estab­lished form, some­thing famil­iar and useful. Then the fun begins! How can I bring a piece into the 21st century? How can I take the inher­ent beauty of a piece of wood to new heights with a sculp­tural design?” Townsend’s product line includes contem­po­rary tables, chairs and numer­ous pieces in the devel­op­ment stage includ­ing tall clocks, a mirror and a four poster bed with match­ing night­stand. He offers a custom one of a kind design option for those with a taste for the unique. My work is the culmi­na­tion of my life­time expe­ri­ences. Each time I enter my work­shop I revisit every influ­en­tial teacher and mentor I’ve known. That adds depth and rich­ness to each and every project”

Katonah, NY
Professional Status
Member until Aug 18, 2016
