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NATHAN KUSHNER’S formal educa­tion in wood­work­ing and furni­ture produc­tion began at Confed­er­a­tion College with the Indus­trial Wood­work­ing Program in Thunder Bay, ON. Moving West, Nathan studied Creative Wood­work­ing and Finish­ing Carpen­try at Selkirk College in Nelson, BC. He appren­ticed at Woodrose Wood­work­ing, an archi­tec­tural mill­work and custom cabi­netry shop in Vancou­ver, BC. Eager to learn more about furni­ture design and manu­fac­tur­ing Nathan moved back East to attend the Furni­ture Design Program at Sheri­dan College’s School of Crafts and Design in Oakville, ON. During his summers, while attend­ing Sheri­dan College, Nathan interned with furni­ture designer & maker Michael Fortune in Warsaw, ON.

After grad­u­at­ing from Sheri­dan College, Nathan moved south where he took part in the Assist­ant­ship and Fellow­ship Programs at The Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship in Rock­port, Maine. Complet­ing his term at The Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship Nathan returned to Canada where he worked again in the famil­iar setting of the Michael C. Fortune Studio, nestled in the coun­try­side of Southern Ontario.

Even­tu­ally leaving the south­ern coun­try­side Nathan moved back home to North­west­ern Ontario. (“To me the Northshore of Lake Supe­rior and the surround­ing land­scape feels magical, and I am blessed to be able to call this area home.”-NWJK) Grad­u­ally Nathan began to create his own furni­ture studio. During this time, he also attended and grad­u­ated from the Archi­tec­tural Tech­nol­ogy Program at Confederation College.

Today Nathan brings his expe­ri­ence and passion creat­ing unique furni­ture and archi­tec­tural mill­work, at home in Thunder Bay, for private resi­dences and commer­cial clien­tele. Nathan’s furni­ture has been exhib­ited in Nelson, BC, Toronto, ON, Thunder Bay, ON, Rock­port, MA and at the Inter­na­tional Contem­po­rary Furni­ture Fair in New York, NY.

Thunder bay, ON
Professional Status
Furniture designer/maker
Member until May 9, 2023
