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Michelle Nativi­dad Stein is a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary artist with a focus on wood, ceram­ics and textiles. She is an MFA grad­u­ate from San Diego State Univer­sity (SDSU) special­iz­ing in Wood­work­ing and Furni­ture design. Michelle has a BA in Art and Applied Design encom­pass­ing the mediums of wood, metal and clay. Michelle was born in Subic Bay, US Naval Base, Philip­pines and currently lives in San Diego. Her personal work draws upon her expe­ri­ences as a non-native-English-speaker living in the Amer­i­can South and South­ern Cali­for­nia. She uses furni­ture and domes­tic items to explore nation­al­ism, historic assim­i­la­tion, accul­tur­a­tion, and femi­nine iden­tity. Her passion is teach­ing, and she lives for that Ah-ha!” moment her students expe­ri­ence. Michelle teaches a wide age range from grade school to senior citi­zens, at UCSD Craft Center, Palomar College, and the San Diego Craft Collec­tive . She strives to create an acces­si­ble, inclu­sive craft community.

Chula vista, CA
Wood, textiles, clay, metal
Professional Status
Furniture maker, educator, freelance artist