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Mia Freer Headshot

I am a recent grad­u­ate of the Cleve­land Insti­tute of Art where I studied Inte­rior Archi­tec­ture and Indus­trial Design. My senior thesis focused on reduc­ing the effects of Furni­ture Poverty and its impact on the Cleve­land commu­nity through the design of flat-pack furni­ture utiliz­ing sustain­able CNC machin­ing processes and a one-for-one busi­ness model that would connect people living in furni­ture poverty with furni­ture in Cleveland. 

I am an aspir­ing entre­pre­neur hoping to estab­lish a woman-owned diversely-oper­ated wood­shop in my own commu­nity. I have a passion for furni­ture design and Montessori education.

Shaker heights, OH
Professional Status
Designer maker
