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Maggie Sasso served on the Board of Trustees of the Furni­ture Society from 2014 – 2019 and as the Student Repre­sen­ta­tive from 2004-05

Sasso is a Milwau­kee based artist produc­ing concep­tual bodies of work that express macro-cosmic ideas through micro­cos­mic detail and examine the role of mate­r­ial culture in rela­tion­ship to our collec­tive past. Her instal­la­tions are tactile and pene­tra­ble, employ­ing Great Lakes maritime culture as a cata­lyst to plunge us into narra­tives of emotional and uncanny vast­ness. Using fiber art and textiles tech­niques to stand in for tradi­tion­ally hard-bodied forms, and present­ing objects as theatri­cal props and mate­r­ial relics, Sasso consid­ers the balance between diffi­cult tragedy and humor­ous opti­mism and regards ordi­nary stories from Midwest­ern char­ac­ters as reverent legends.

Sasso has exhib­ited nation­ally, with solo exhi­bi­tions in Madison, WI, Port­land, OR, Lexing­ton, KY and Milwau­kee, WI, and group exhi­bi­tions across the US and Canada, most notably at the John Michael Kohler Art Center, where she was a Exhibit­ing Artist in Resi­dence, and the Haggerty Museum of Art. In 2015 she was the recip­i­ent of a Mary L. Nohl Fund Fellow­ship for Indi­vid­ual Artists. Sasso is a full time artist, her studio is located @ VarWest.

Insta­gram: https://​www​.insta​gram​.com/​m​a​g​g​i​e​s​asso/

Saint francis, WI
Professional Status
Member until Dec 1, 2022
