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Lorin’s journey weaves a rich tapes­try of diverse expe­ri­ences, encom­pass­ing roles as an army veteran, a seasoned profes­sional in supply chain and logis­tics, an intre­pid climber and outdoor enthu­si­ast, and a devoted husband, father, and friend. Amidst the dynamic chap­ters of his life, a constant thread emerges — his unyield­ing commit­ment to listen­ing to his heart’s calling. His path has been guided by an unwa­ver­ing intu­ition that propels him toward authenticity.

While carving out a unique trail, Lorin found solace in tradi­tional hand-tool joinery and the art of wood­work­ing, culti­vat­ing skills inde­pen­dently. As his passion for the craft deep­ened, he embarked on a resolute journey of master­ing the design and creation of fine furni­ture. The Ebon­ista School of Wood­work­ing marked his initial step on this trans­for­ma­tive path, and it was at the renowned Port Townsend School of Wood­work­ing that he honed his skills under the tute­lage of revered masters in the field. With each piece he crafts, Lorin merges the wisdom of his diverse life expe­ri­ences, mani­fest­ing his unwa­ver­ing dedi­ca­tion to the art form.

Today, firmly rooted in Port Townsend, WA, Lorin oper­ates his fine furni­ture busi­ness, Seeks Wood­works. Guided by a profound respect for trees’ innate perfec­tion, his work tran­scends trends, invit­ing users to forge inti­mate connec­tions with his creations. Lorin’s artistry not only narrates his own story but seam­lessly inte­grates with the stories of those who engage with his metic­u­lously crafted furniture.

Port townsend, WA
Wood, woven materials
Professional Status
Full time, professional furniture maker
