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I’m a furni­ture maker, a designer, a builder and an artist. My inter­est in build­ing furni­ture was sparked at the Univer­sity of New Hamp­shire, where I received an Asso­ciates Degree in Forestry. One of the courses I partic­i­pated in was a source to finish” class involv­ing every­thing from harvest­ing, skid­ding, and cherry picking to sawing the timber in our own small mill. I became fasci­nated with wood as a build­ing medium. I got my degree at Montana State Univer­sity where I spent summers as a horse logger and carpen­ter appren­tic­ing under my Uncle Robert Clark, master carpen­ter and eques­trian extra­or­di­naire. I built a cabin for myself in the Gravely Moun­tain Range in south­west Montana. While I enjoyed carpen­try and build­ing, I knew my passion was fine furniture.

I attended an inten­sive furni­ture and design program at The Penland School of Crafts in Penland, NC. I opened a studio/​shop for a brief period of time in Bozeman, Montana before moving my life and busi­ness to North Ferris­burgh, Vermont in 2000. In 2007 I studied under master chair­wright, Hal Taylor, focus­ing on build­ing Sam Maloof style rocking chairs. In the spring of 2016​my family and I moved to North Yarmouth, Maine in the rolling hills north­west of Port­land. Presently​,​I focus on build­ing every­thing from tradi­tional to modern, Sam Maloof style rocking chairs to one-of-a-kind pieces.

I am inspired by the fluid forms of nature. Let me work with you to create a one-of-a-kind piece that meets your specific needs and brings the famil­iar beauty of the outdoors into your home. If you prefer, any one of the designs in my web gallery can be recre­ated as shown or with a variety of differ­ent wood combinations.

I invite you to call and make an appoint­ment or e‑mail ques­tions, ideas, or photos of your living space. If you live in the area, I would be happy to come to your home to plan the piece with you.

My furni­ture has a life­time guar­an­tee for as long as you or your family owns one of my pieces. I can ship anywhere in the conti­nen­tal US and Canada or where ever one can drive, fly, or sail.

I look forward to working with you to create an heir­loom objet d’art” that will be loved for generations.

Sincerely, Kit Clark

North yarmouth, ME
Professional Status
Member until Jan 20, 2025