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John Headshot

John Dixon is a furni­ture and house­wares designer, maker, and Assis­tant Profes­sor ofof Indus­trial Design at the Univer­sity of Cincinnati. 

For the last decade John has been explor­ing the influ­ence making, language, and the phys­i­cal mani­fes­ta­tion of concepts has on his design process. Often times his prod­ucts are born from a word, phrase, or already exist­ing object, working top down rather than bottom up. Regu­larly called a maker,” John has focused on the process of making, and manip­u­lat­ing mate­r­ial as a major force within his work, allow­ing him be informed and inspired by mate­r­ial and process, rather than limited by them.

Cincinnati, OH
Wood, steel, ceramic
Professional Status
Designer / professor of industrial design
