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Fobes 1

David Fobes entered the world in 1953 with his iden­ti­cal twin Clark. Being an iden­ti­cal twin has informed much of his work in the last 40 years. David earned a BA in Envi­ron­men­tal Design in 1978 and an M.F.A. in Furni­ture Design in 1994, both from San Diego State Univer­sity. David was fortu­nate to study furni­ture design with AOD recip­i­ent Wendy Maruyama from 1991 – 1994 at SDSU.

He joined the faculty in the School of Art and Design at San Diego State in 1994 and taught studio courses in Design until his retire­ment in 2020. He has been an active member of the San Diego Arts commu­nity since 1981 and has exhib­ited his work region­ally, nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally and has also curated a broad variety of projects through­out his career. His work is in both private and public collec­tions. David contin­ues an active studio prac­tice and is currently working on and editing a book on the work of the vision­ary archi­tect Eugene Ray, one of his early mentors at SDSU.

San diego, CA
Wood and mixed media
Professional Status
As professional as possible
