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CoCo Ree Lemery, a renowned Amer­i­can artist and designer, stands as a promi­nent creative force in the realm of furni­ture design. Her excep­tional talents have consis­tently made her one of the most sought-after figures in her field. In her previ­ous role as Design Direc­tor, CoCo was respon­si­ble for conceiv­ing and craft­ing best-selling prod­ucts that graced the shelves of esteemed retail­ers such as Pottery Barn, Neiman Marcus, Jonathan Adler, and Williams Sonoma. CoCo’s remark­able work has not gone unno­ticed, as she has earned numer­ous pres­ti­gious acco­lades, includ­ing the NYCxDe­sign Awards, A’ Design Awards, Euro­pean Product Design Awards, Inter­na­tional Furni­ture Design Asso­ci­a­tion recog­ni­tion, WIL awards, and the esteemed Pinna­cle Awards. Her artis­tic journey, char­ac­ter­ized by dedi­ca­tion and inno­va­tion, has been marked by a relent­less pursuit of excel­lence. In 2022, she made a signif­i­cant shift into the world of acad­e­mia. This tran­si­tion, a turning point in her profes­sional life, has granted her the freedom to finally work on and share her artis­tic endeav­ors. Today, CoCo Ree is the Profes­sor of Furni­ture & Indus­trial Design at Purdue Univer­sity. Her acad­e­mic pursuits are deeply rooted in her prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, and she places a strong empha­sis on the conver­gence of crafts­man­ship and design. Further­more, she explores the inte­gra­tion of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence into these creative domains, all within the exper­i­men­tal land­scape of wood­work­ing and sustainability.

Evanston, IL
Salvaged demolition waste
Professional Status
Professor & designer
