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IMG 5641

I am an artist, wood­worker, and wood­work­ing teacher based in New York City. In my work, I utilize furni­ture, sculp­ture, and print as spec­u­la­tive fictions in hopes for a better under­stand­ing of the past, present, and future. I am inter­ested in manip­u­lat­ing phys­i­cal and histor­i­cal spaces we inhabit to encour­age the viewer towards imag­ined possi­bil­i­ties for a better future, in addi­tion to using strange and sustain­able mate­ri­als in conver­sa­tion with folk art and folk archi­tec­tures, bridg­ing mate­r­ial past and mate­r­ial future, and working in collab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ments and with collaborative mediums. 

I currently teach at Makeville Studio in Brookyn, NY.

Astoria, NY
