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Andrew-Pitts-Furniture Maker-150px-avatar

Andrew Pitts is a largely self-taught studio furni­ture­maker with 39 years expe­ri­ence. His prior career in the navy as a nuclear engi­neer unex­pect­edly prepared him for success as a designer. The disci­pline neces­sary to command three warships and operate aircraft carrier nuclear reac­tors trans­lated into an astute atten­tion to detail and pursuit of perfection. 

He has built his work­shop in the secluded forests of Northum­ber­land County, Virginia. A commit­ted steward of the envi­ron­ment, he uses primar­ily pre-fallen hard­woods local to the studio, having harvested, milled and dried them himself. His design approach is to cele­brate the wood’s inher­ent beauty, respect­ing its imper­fec­tions and vari­a­tions. He uses mostly clear finishes, avoid­ing stains that might mask the grain. One can recog­nize a Pitts design by the grace of its curves, exquis­itely matched grain patterns, exact­ing joinery and meticulous finishing. 

Pitts’ furni­ture has been featured in numer­ous exhi­bi­tions and has garnered more than a dozen awards. He is an active member of several local Virginia artists’ asso­ci­a­tions and is a member of The Furni­ture Society. Pitts’ work can be seen at www​.Andrew​Pitts​Fur​ni​ture​Maker​.com

Heathsville, VA
Professional Status
Member until Apr 9, 2017
