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Mahaney Portrait

Adrien Segal is an artist based in Oakland, Cali­for­nia. Drawing from land­scape, science, history, emotion, and percep­tion, her inter­dis­ci­pli­nary work bridges the gap between scien­tific ratio­nal­ity and the emotional nature of human expe­ri­ence. Her work has been exhib­ited inter­na­tion­ally since 2007 and is published in several books and jour­nals. She has been awarded Artist Resi­den­cies across the US, Canada, and Europe, and was the US-UK Fulbright Scholar at the Univer­sity of Dundee in 2022. Adrien teaches art and design at the Univer­sity of San Fran­cisco and at Cali­for­nia College of the Arts where she received her BFA, and she pursues her creative prac­tice out of her studio in Alameda, California.

Oakland, CA
