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Youth Woodworking Teacher Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
We seek a teacher who is passion­ate about engag­ing students in creative and stim­u­lat­ing projects. We are specif­i­cally search­ing for an indi­vid­ual who has expe­ri­ence and is comfort­able teach­ing wood­work­ing to middle school students.

We seek a commit­ted, profes­sional, and inspir­ing teacher who is passion­ate about engag­ing students in creative and stim­u­lat­ing projects. We are specif­i­cally search­ing for an indi­vid­ual who has expe­ri­ence and is comfort­able teach­ing wood­work­ing to middle school students with special emotional, behav­ioral, and learn­ing needs. Curricu­lum should intro­duce a variety of media, mesh with partic­u­lar school needs – e.g. liter­acy and math, and build students’ confi­dence. Teach­ers are encour­aged to coor­di­nate artists’ visits each semes­ter with the support of the Eliot School’s Program Coordinator.

This posi­tion will be approx­i­mately 25 – 40 hours a week, depend­ing on avail­able program­ming, start­ing Septem­ber 2022 and contin­u­ing along with the Boston Public School year through June 2023. Employ­ment may continue through summer in our Summer Program for Chil­dren, and into the follow­ing school years.


  • Plan curricu­lum that is engag­ing and fun and guides young people to develop art skills
  • Teach and engage diverse popu­la­tions across race, cultural bound­aries, and different abilities
  • Collab­o­rate with Eliot School program staff and facil­i­ties staff to meet goals
  • Help expose students to a broader social, cultural, and histor­i­cal context through art
  • Create success­ful sequen­tial lessons that are developmentally appropriate
  • Assess partic­i­pant learn­ing and eval­u­ate overall program effectiveness
  • Model core values and best prac­tices in class­room manage­ment and teaching
  • Use the arts to foster patience and perse­ver­ance and build healthy self-esteem
  • Share genuine affec­tion for the popu­la­tion that one is teaching
  • Plan and facil­i­tate games and activ­i­ties for young people to build commu­nity and spend energy
  • Commu­ni­cate regu­larly with program admin­is­tra­tion through e‑mail, phone calls or in-person meetings
  • Partic­i­pate in profes­sional devel­op­ment work­shops provided by the Eliot School
  • Super­vise support staff to meet program goals


  • 2+ years of art teach­ing expe­ri­ence in the class­room or alter­na­tive involv­ing the devel­op­ment of year-long curriculum
  • Expe­ri­ence in a wide variety of visual arts tech­niques and media and a will­ing­ness to learn new techniques.
  • Working knowl­edge of instruc­tional and behav­ior modi­fi­ca­tion approaches to accom­mo­date student needs
  • Excel­lent class­room management skills
  • Strong time manage­ment and organizational skills
  • Passion for engag­ing all students in the creative process
  • Flex­i­bil­ity, patience and self-motivation
  • Strong commu­ni­ca­tion skills


Start­ing at $25 per hour. Increases with tenure. Health insur­ance (partial) if sched­ule aver­ages 20 hours or more per week; employer match for 401k retire­ment plan; family & medical leave.


Please fill out this survey and follow the code instructions: 


Submit resume, cover letter and art samples to acroney@​eliotschool.​org with Youth Wood­work­ing Teacher” in the subject line. Appli­ca­tions accepted on a rolling basis.