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Year-Long Residency: Wood Appalachian Center for Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The purpose of the AIR program is to provide a creative, resi­den­tial envi­ron­ment for emerg­ing profes­sional artists. Access to a well-equipped, spacious shop, private studio and onsite housing.
Wood AI Rad

ESSEN­TIAL FUNC­TIONS: In exchange for on-site housing, full studio access and a private studio, the resi­dent will perform over­sight of wood studio, lumber store, and use of equip­ment. Peri­odic inven­tory of lumber/​sheetgoods and other studio supplies. During the acad­e­mic year (August- May), the resi­dent will work 15 hours per week on studio main­te­nance, instruc­tional support, assist­ing students during class times and other studio tasks as needed. During the Craft Center’s summer work­shop season the resi­dent manages the studio and ensures smooth oper­a­tion. Summer hours are on a time bank system, as the need varies from studio to studio depend­ing on the work­shop sched­ule. Hours will not exceed 180 hours (15 hours per week/​12 weeks). Specifics of manag­ing the studio during work­shops will be discussed with the artist in resi­dence in advance, with both the super­vis­ing faculty member and the program manager. Resi­dents will receive direc­tion from the program manager regard­ing work­shop support. During the work­shops the resi­dent may be able to take part in the work­shop in their respec­tive studio on a space avail­able basis or pursue their own work while also being avail­able for the visiting instructor.


15 hours per week. A stipend of $4000 annu­ally is provided, which is paid in monthly incre­ments by direct deposit. Bene­fits include the accu­mu­la­tion of annual and sick leave on a prorated basis equal to the percent­age of employ­ment, and thir­teen (13) pro-rated University holidays.

• One-year appoint­ment, August 15, 2024 — August 102025.

• Resi­dence in Craft Center housing is a required condi­tion of studio resi­den­cies (no pets allowed). A single occu­pancy bedroom with private bath and cooking, lounge facil­i­ties and common living spaces are shared with other resi­dents. There are no completely private housing units avail­able. Spouses, part­ners, and signif­i­cant others are not allowed to live on campus; housing is offered only to resident artists.

• Indi­vid­ual, private studio space and 24-hour studio access are provided. 

• Ability to sell work in the Craft Center Gallery, with an 80%/20% split in profit during the dura­tion of the resi­dency. (80%-artist/20%- gallery)


An MFA or BFA/BA/BS in wood or related area is required. An MFA is preferred. Appli­cants that apply should have a genuine inter­est in teach­ing, as the SAC&D often has a need for adjunct faculty to teach Intro­duc­tion to Art (Art Appre­ci­a­tion) as well as other art foun­da­tion courses. Selec­tion crite­ria include: the candidate’s poten­tial artis­tic and profes­sional growth within the resi­dency, tech­ni­cal skills in studio and equip­ment main­te­nance, and poten­tial for instruc­tional support. A strong under­stand­ing and compe­tency in wood mate­ri­als and processes, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance of wood­work­ing equip­ment is required.

The Appalachian Center for Craft is an 87,000 square foot facil­ity located on 500 acres of Army Corps of Engi­neers land over­look­ing picturesque Center Hill Lake in Middle TN. Located half way between Nashville and Knoxville, the Craft Center, a satel­lite campus of TN Tech Univer­sity, conducts both acad­e­mic degree programs and robust community/​outreach programming.
