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Woodworking Residency Opportunity at Pocosin Arts Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Join us in Colum­bia, NC for a resi­dency in our wood shop. The ideal resi­dency term begins in January 2024 and ends in May 2024.

Earlier this year, Pocosin Arts was fortu­nate to secure a gener­ous grant from the John and Robyn Horn Foun­da­tion. This grant has enabled us to completely outfit and update our wood shop. We were able to purchase all brand new equip­ment for our machine room and new benches, sharp­en­ing equip­ment, clamps, smaller hand­held power tools, etc. for our bench room. This is the second summer work­shop season we’ve been able to offer classes in our wood shop and we are so excited to bring more people and program­ming into the space. 

We are currently in the unique posi­tion of search­ing for candi­dates to apply for our first ever wood­work­ing artist resi­dency program. The ideal resi­dency term for the wood shop begins in January 2024 and ends in May 2024. Pref­er­ence will be granted to artists capable of dedi­cat­ing them­selves to the full 5‑month period. Pocosin welcomes propos­als for shorter dura­tions as well. 

We are also excited to host two resi­dent artists special­iz­ing in ceram­ics and metals start­ing this Septem­ber through May 2024. They will be partic­i­pat­ing in our 9‑month residency program.

Our resi­dency programs include 24/7 access to all of our studios: metal­smithing, wood­work­ing, and ceram­ics. You can find infor­ma­tion about the equip­ment in our studios on our website. Resi­dents receive free housing and util­i­ties, access to shared kitchen and laundry facil­i­ties, and a personal work­space in their primary studio. They are compen­sated for teach­ing commu­nity classes and receive 70% on sales or commis­sions of their work through Pocosin’s gallery.
