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Weave a Chair with Splint Reed & Shaker Tape The John C. Camp­bell Folk School

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Create fun and func­tional chairs by weaving the seat with splint reed and Shaker tape. Color and pattern combi­na­tions are infi­nite, from neutrals to vibrant with solid and striped options. All levels are welcome.
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Weaving Chair Seats with Brandy Clements and David Klingler

Create fun and func­tional chairs by weaving the seat with splint reed and Shaker tape. Color and pattern combi­na­tions are infi­nite, from neutrals to vibrant with solid and striped options. All levels are welcome, begin­ners can learn herring­bone twill and checker­board patterns, while inter­me­di­ate weavers can hone their tech­niques and work with diamonds, chevrons, and more! You will need 2 chairs or foot­stool frames with four rails, in good repair, surface finished. Warning: You might become a chair nerd.

**IMPOR­TANT- Please contact the instruc­tors imme­di­ately after signing up so we can start the conver­sa­tion about chair frames and poten­tial struc­tural issues to be fixed before class. We will ask you to email pictures of your chairs so we can trou­bleshoot any poten­tial issues. Instruc­tors are avail­able for check-in between sessions. Sending a photo in a text or email will help us trou­bleshoot. A zoom or Lesson­face check-in can be sched­uled if students feel they want to do that at a time to be mutu­ally agreed upon by students and instructors.

The capac­ity for this class is 12 students. Regis­tra­tion for this class ends January 24, 2022. This class is presented in collab­o­ra­tion with the John C. Camp­bell Folk School. There will be an optional Orien­ta­tion and Closing Cere­mony hosted from the Folk School campus that students can attend online.