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Twelve-week Furniture Intensive Assistantship Center for Furniture Craftsmanship

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Assist­ant­ships give emerg­ing wood­work­ers oppor­tu­ni­ties to work closely with skilled instruc­tors in a profes­sional teaching environment.
CF Cweb image

We are currently search­ing for a Twelve-week Furni­ture Inten­sive Assis­tant. This oppor­tu­nity can be invalu­able for acquir­ing new skills, strength­en­ing exist­ing ones, and devel­op­ing profes­sional rela­tion­ships. Our twelve-week Furni­ture Inten­sive is a hands-on program designed to provide the foun­da­tional skills of furni­ture making whether you are consid­er­ing wood­work­ing as a profes­sion or a serious hobby. Hours are gener­ally Monday through Friday, from 9:00 – 5:00, although they some­times shift to provide Saturday coverage.

Bene­fits are working with, and learn­ing from, outstand­ing profes­sion­als, teach­ing expe­ri­ence, compen­sa­tion at $550/​week, avail­able housing stipend of $125/​week, and personal bench space.

Respon­si­bil­i­ties include but are not limited to moni­tor­ing student safety in the machine room, running errands, helping students one-on-one with their work, build­ing jigs and fixtures, attend­ing lectures and demon­stra­tions, shop, machine, and facil­i­ties main­te­nance, prepar­ing mate­ri­als for faculty demon­stra­tions, and partic­i­pat­ing in daily shop cleanup.

To apply please submit the follow­ing a resumé, digital images of your work, a letter stating your reasons for apply­ing and your goals as a woodworker.
